Ascelpias verticillata
Size: 1g availability
Max size: 3′ tall x 2′ wide
Average Size: 2′ tall x 1′ wide
Usually Moist, Moist to Dry
Clay, Loam, Sand
Sun, Partial Sun
No salt tolerance
This milkweed can spread by seeds and rhizomes, making it a great fit for monarch enthusiasts. It’s also a larval host for Monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) while attracting many other pollinators such as bees, wasps, and moths. It blooms in the summer with white and green flowers while going dormant in the winter. It is not edible, and is drought and deer resistant.
The latex in the stems and leaves can be used to produce a natural rubber. The stems can also be used to produce a very strong, grey/white fiber that is useful in making string, thread, and other textiles.
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