Passiflora lutea
Size: 1 Gallon availability
15’ long
Usually Moist, Moist to Dry
Hummus, Loam, Sand
Sun, Part Shade
This passionflower gives way to purple/black berries for wildlife in lieu of edible fruit. The hardiest of the passionflowers, it will hold its foliage through mild winters in zone 8. Flowers are small, roughly less than 1″ wide and leaves are wider than they are long.
Larval host plant for numerous butterflies, including Gulf fritillary, (Agraulis vanillae), and Zebra longwing (Heliconius charithonia) – the state butterfly of Florida. This vine also supports a wide variety of bees, birds, and small mammals while being resistant to deer.
If deciding between a passionflower seems difficult, consider that this species is easier to manage than Passiflora incarnata, especially in small spaces.
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