Sorghastrum secundum
Sizes: 1 Gallon Availability
Max Size: 6′ tall x 1′ wide
Average Size: 4′ tall x 1′ wide
Full Sun
Usually Moist, Occasionally Moist, Moist to Dry
No salt tolerance
This yellow-blooming grass flowers in fall and dies back in winter. It can be pruned back after blooming to look more tidy in winter. It is not edible but makes a great backdrop for other plants in your space. It is a larval host to multiple grass skippers, including; swarthy skipper (Nastra lherminier), Delaware skipper (Anatrytone arogos), Eufala skipper (Lerodea eufala) and twin spot Skipper (Oligoria maculate).
20 in stock
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